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I have achieved world peace! (on my second attempt)

(1 edit)

I'm looking forward to playing it, but it exits randomly to the desktop during the intro :( I'm using McAfee as an antivirus, but it doesn't notice anything wrong. Is there anybody in my situation? UPDATE: solved. Even if McAfee in the precise analysis of the file told me that all was ok, when I played it detected some bad stuff and also deleted immediately the file. I disabled McAfee for a while and it worked like a charm. Thank you!!

You've said it yourself, you are using McAfee antivirus which is infamous for it's pop-ups and acting like a virus itself.

Really good!

Very funny and engaging. Took me 4 tries, kind of cheating by writing down the codes, but still. I'm going for a fifth, more legit win this time.


Is there somewhere I can listen to the OST? I would live to just play the waiting music for a couple hours.

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I think since it's just a loop, I can make it 10-hours on YouTube.

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Hey! Awesome game. Had a blast playing it with a friend, felt like an escape room.

Are you planning on developing this further? If so I think replayability such as randomized codes would be a fun addition.

a simple and easy to understand game, but which puts you under immense psychological pressure

This was amazing! So stressful but so fun.

This is simply amazing


I have never seen a game that was so stressful and satirical at the same time. Great job :)


Felt like I was back in my old job of having to call up customer assistance with warranties! Really great concept for a puzzle kinda game! 


Great game, managed to get the missile intercepted the first attempt with 5 minutes to spare


Can't play the game, windows blocks it as a virus


I had the same thing, if you just hit the 'more info' button then it gives you an option to run it anyway.

Thanks, it worked


Why does VirusTotal flag the file as malicious?


5 of 65 antiviruses flagging a file as malicious with no description typically is something I assume would be a false positive.

You'd think I'd be more prepared given the situation hahaha but I guess not! I love how you're thrown right into the sh*t show as soon as you begin! It really gets the panic flooding in as you scramble through the phone's menu. The options for additional information is also a nice touch. It makes the experience seem not so simplistic, and it's also a possible game-ender because you're WASTING TIME!

Amazing Work!

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It's a good thing the third iteration of myself had unprecedented psychic abilities before calling. Real cool and tense game, 7.3/10.


Managed to stop the nuke with 0.67 seconds left on the clock, such a nail biter!!!


oh my god. This is absolutely brilliant. Thank you. Really captures the total lack of humanity and respect in automated helplines and automation in the modern world.

Great game showcasing the true horror of automated phone calls with a side of nuclear warfare, very cool


amazing game, did 4 runs just writing all the phone menus down

run 6 took me 1m 43s 43 ms B) altho i did mess up a bit

Had to pee half way through.

Timer had 3.06 seconds left when I was 'really really sure'. 10/10 would play again


The thought of them just having someone chilling out in an interception plane and then being automatically notified that somewhere, there's a high-speed nuclear missile heading toward their country so they just ask for it to be tracked, engage the plane, turn around and zoom off immediately without any acceleration time whatsoever, get back results about the missile's location and catch the fast-moving nuclear missile in those three seconds is so hilarious to me


A Really Brilliant experience that does a great job of building tension.

Its one of the more unique games I've played in a long time. 


In what programming language is this made from?


Unity, C# :)


There is a special place in Hell for the creator of this game lol, but seriously, it's a clever idea and perfectly executed. I love to hate it 😂


I didn't how much I hated automated phone systems until I played this game. This was a unique game with an interesting mechanic that made it fun and different. Kept me on edge the whole playthrough. Good Game! Game starts at 15:06


An extremely funny game that had me facepalm a few times due to the tediousness of the robot on the phone which gave me flashbacks of trying to get phone support from tech companies. 


Really cool idea for a game. Can't wait to see what else you make!


This was pretty intense. Had to play a few times to save the world :)


Awesome game. Very tense for a game with a 10 minute run-time. I found myself laughing out of relief after figuring out what to do.


Did my best. Did I complete it? Yes.

Did I spoil it? No not really!

Is it funny? You tell me!!! Yes it is lol

(2 edits) (+3)

Horror-comedy done right. Legit made me tense while also suitably making me snicker at the absurdity of it all. A tad too frustrating for its own good, but that’s kinda the point I suppose. I would not be surprised if this kind of customer service is why the cold war lasted for 50 years.


Good game took me two tries to get it. I can relate to this game big time. I hate dealing with this crap on the phone. Great concept!


My hands have never been so sweaty trying to reach for a pen and paper. Your games are so unique :P


Great game lol, 10/10 would backtrack through menu trees again.


Worst. Service. Ever.


Another great game with a rather unique gameplay mechanic! You guys do amazing work!


I managed it in two attempts and I think I was lucky rather than good. You have successfully captured what it feels like to have to navigate a phone tree under time crunch. Bravo.


Nothing quite like a phone menu suddenly spouting numbers to make you launch yourself across the room for a piece of paper and a pen. Ten outta ten, did not realise how much I was tensing my muscles until the endcard popped up.


No-commentary playthrough:

I feel like I lucked into doing this on just two attempts. What an absolutely infuriating scenario though lol.

I have never been so immersed in deeply, truly loathing a phone line in my life

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