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(1 edit) (+1)

I found this game by searching for platformers tagged Horror.

I love it! I didn't finish it as I got lost in the maze but the atmosphere and the premise, how the 3D dimension came up when I thought it was just hypothetical and scrolled down...

I enjoy this game a ton. Thanks for making it. 5 Stars

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how many times do i loop, this is my 5th time


I thought this scene was intentional. But it wasn't. lol 

the ending I got after restarting was definitely awesome. cool!!


does the game end when the screen fades to black and it says "what have i done"

I've been wandering in the maze for the past 30 minutes- is there an actual ending?


Deleted post

Where is the sound effects

i made them myself!

No I meant I don’t hear them.  Well now I do Great game I jumped


Got softlocked. lol


THIS IS AMAZING!!! It was kinda hard at the beginning and I wasn't expecting much from it, but it came out as a great game with a plot! Thank you for this masterpiece


Others have mentioned how the 3D realm isn't truly 3D because the character is still largely moving only in 2D; I think this fits perfectly with the fact that thinking outside of the dimension you exist within is incredibly difficult. (Try imagining a 5th dimension and the logics therein.) The character dreamt of forward and back, sacrificing up and down, and still in both existences they are trapped in one fact: there is no goal, no 'point' that they aim for. Their dissatisfaction with their reality traps them in a new, discomforting realm, with the same vacuum of purpose staring from the meta.

This game is good at inciting a spiral of analysis because I could go on.

And of course, the inbetween, where you navigate the 3D maze with the 2D platformer is *chef's kiss*


This game shows you to be careful what you wish for . The end was good.


If you can't jump, isn't still 2d?



And this, kids is why we burned the N64 over a fire, which we put out with holy water



Very interesting game.

It's a neat take on how a 2d platformer character could influence something in the third dimension.

And it also serves as a reminder that while folks tend to dream of greener pastures, you can never be certain of what you'll find on the other side.


What I found kind of funny is that even while "3D" the character was still technically 2D. Sure, the perspective seems 3D, but the walls and the character sprite all still look 2D, and the character only ever moves in 2 dimensions. It's almost as if the character can't even imagine a 3rd plane of existence...

Anyways, I really loved this game! Pretty good writing and interesting mechanic (though the infinite respawning without any consequences made it seem a bit trivial and tedious). The platforming section was really fun, and the maze had a great atmosphere, I could totally see that part getting turned into an actual horror game. My only issue was that I had to start over once because my game was bugged and wasn't progressing to the 3D phase when I stood still, but it took me quite a few minutes to realize that. It was my first time playing, so I just figured it was part of the game and I was supposed to keep going or keep waiting until something changed. Restarting fixed it though and the 3D part triggered no problem.

A neat little game 5-10 min with a 3d gimmick.





i love this game for as short as it is, even though people say it's a platformer  even though it is not. it's not a 3D maze game either, it's different. the story OH THE STORY I loved it., it shows to be content with what you have and the way they do it is AMAZING.

in conclusion i give it 5 stars


Nice! Fun progression, although I became lost a bunch :D


I enjoyed the game it had a cool story I played the web version and it ran very smooth which is often a problem with the web version i would recomend this to a friend if i had any

nice platformer

but the 3d maze part is hard to control

(1 edit)
ugh...oh ugh-
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I enjoyed the small lesson about being careful about what you wish for. Papercookies in the near future  I plan on playing your other titles. Thanks for making Metamaze.

Pretty good game! The simplistic art style fit in with what the character was experiencing. I liked the decent movement as well!

hey guys is the game suppose to close on me as a black screen because it happened to me and I don't know if the game is done or not

It's done mydude




awesome experience, i have never seen befor something like this


excellent stuff! kind of a shame to leave it at that, i'd be glad to see more!

This game was really unique and had a great sense of foreboding. Really recommended! I played it on stream and made a highlight if it's helpful to you or anyone thinking about playing.

Amazing game! The ending really scared me there.

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Retro and fun

3:41.14 Speedrun

I got stuck in an infinite loop of going right?


Me too

Maybe go for lunch?


you are supposed to stand still and you will enter lets say the 3d world.

Very cool idea and game!

Really rad game! I really enjoyed it! Out of curiosity, why do the words bounce when you scroll up fast? It's very cool!


Such a cool idea!! Just kinda getting into game dev myself and I was wondering how you got the 3d visuals to look like they do?  Specifically the way the lighting looks is just so cool

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing game! But I found an glitch that if you are in a box and jump and go to right fast and then fall and then you are again above the box if you keep going right somehow because of the camera it will put you inside the wall. Here's the picture:

Very interesting game! I absolutely love this style of mystery and uncertainty in games. Very well put together and super unique. Sounds were great too. Awesome work!

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