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hey maker of game, @papercookies , tell me, does this game have any relation to doom and this new speedrun world record ?

Amazing game, made me feel really sad before (SPOILER ALERT) delivering the flag and now I just can wonder what else could I've done. Pretty nice work!

When I start the game I just see the unity logo and then I hear a sound. After that the screen just stays gray and nothing seems to happen.

Try to find and click a VHS tape, it should be on the middle of the screen.


THIS GAME IS AMAZING...I played this and decided to do a gameplay on it!! I WANT MORE PAPERCOOKIES!!!!!



Hey so i havent seen anyone else posting about this, but I'm pretty sure there's more content that I haven't seen. And I know there's content which I've seen and most others have not.

After you [perform a series of actions which aren't done in most playthroughs i've seen] something spawns in that you can shoot, triggering a cutscene. In the cutscene, a pencil is being used to write or draw something. 

I am 99% sure that this is a cryptic clue about what to do next, but I cannot read it at all. I'm not sure if this is my monitor, my eyeballs, or a display issue with the game. The game is replayable from the state this leaves it in, but I've already re-done everything several times and squinted at the cutscene each time to no avail.

Can anyone help me figure out what the pencil wrote or drew?


My friend said it was the Konami code. You're talking about the floating eye in the sky after the dev joins the game, right? 

I dont think its the konami code. 

(1 edit)

pretty sure its 1 M W and then enter button

it could also be 1 1 1 v v and then enter, why ? watch the video, he lifts up his pen while writing M and W

Thats all I got, but where to type in that "code" i have no clue

ps : whats up with that paper clip, is it there just randomly or has some meaning ?

Deleted 4 years ago
(2 edits)

I put the konami code in the game after you get booted out and reboot the game. You hear a victorious "doo doo!" and the game starts over. Not sure if there's anything else, but there's probably something if you replay it again.

Edit: On the blue screen when there are 0 servers showing input up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter.

Edit 2: You're supposed to shoot the eye to get the special video to play.

(1 edit)

I think it is, its simple to figure out what he wrote, just mimic his hand movements yourself on a sheet of paper, theres no mistake, its 1 M W or 111 vv, for some reason he wrote W little lower than the M, like, they are not in the same alignment.

Its enter key because of its shape and arrow inside(what else could it possibly be?).

I tried typing it in few places but so far no luck, I am starting to think this is where it ends, he did not implement next part in yet.
My bet is we will see updates soon.

(1 edit)

The "artist" *clearly* draws the arrow that is commonly used to demonstrate a Carriage Return (which is where the Enter key gets its other name: Return key)... its the clearest part of the whole thing.

Found this pretty easy, this is the exact shape they draw at the very end:

Watch it again, its not 1s, its angles like /\ /\ /\ \/ \/which is why it looks like letters

No.  The Konami code IS programmed into the game, and its way longer than 5 symbols, and you don't press Enter in this iteration.  The image is hard to see, but I guarantee its /\ /\ /\ \/ \/ Enter or /\ M W Enter.  The pencil never crosses the first /\ to make an A, so I am 99% sure its the former,  which would likely stand for up up up down down enter.  The Konami code, by contrast , is up up down down left right left right B A for this iteration of it.


it draws /\ /\ /\ \/ \/ and then an Enter Key.  Unfortunately, right now, inputting this *anywhere* does absolutely nothing.  Due to the teaser img the developer posted, I think we'll find out on the 15th, or we'll at least get more.


So I ended up getting two endings. One for capping the final flag. But there is a "secret ending" I guess? If you leave the game when he asks and then join back he will give new dialogue when you are about to cap again. When he joins the game there's a floating eye near your spawn that you can hit for a video of the dev writing what may be the komani code.

i cant find this eye.
i have the linux version, maybe thats the problem?

JOHN_DEV has joined the game.

Leave the blue flag area, take the *first* right, and look up, but don't get too close to the walls.  Its pretty anal about where you are when you shoot the eye, I shot at it from where I first noticed it, but if you're not close enough, the bullet goes right through the thing and doesn't trigger a hit.  You have to be just about as close as you can get while still able to see it.

(1 edit)

"shoot twice if you can read this" i can't reload my gun.

nvm r to reload.


this was one of the best games ive seen on itchio in a while!!


ok, im noting some objects apears and desapears randomly.
it may be something to do with the servers, or not.
also, there is not a "center of the map".
where are the other 6 online servers?

Deleted 4 years ago

well. theres' an eye that i cant seem to find.
i think the relation beetwen wasd and QZ is part of the pencil code.

Its random.  Its to get you to start noticing that things are changing, and sets you up to find the hidden ending later.

Also, the dev's message about his friends running out of bullets before beating the game is likely a hint telling you you need to shoot something.  So far, the rest of his message about the 100% save file is just filler to make it look like a method you might use to load the save file on an older computer (which isn't entirely incorrect, its very close).


Awesome! It really gave me the chills... I love the concept, well done!


That thumbnail face though. 


the bigest mystery for me was using Z and Q to move.
i think there's a mistery there.

i wonder if this game is hiding something more.

specialy in the numbers. 12/15 servers online where there are 6.
this is a really nice proyect you have here.

you might be on to something..

Does it has something to do with the glitched column?


A haunted ABANDONED game server...with No Players Online? 👻

This short horror experience was very well made! Not only did it mange to give me real fear but what happens in the end is pure genius in my opinion. I'd love to see more from this team!

(3 edits) (+1)

You nailed the atmosphere perfectly and I was quite immersed in the game. I just love the eerie "You're alone (?)" vibes. Although I wish it stuck with the mysterious approach of things being slightly off rather than adding supernatural human element at the end, but it was still nicely crafted nonetheless!


I made a vid on this and went a little beyond where I thought the game would let me go. This was super cool! (The video just went live)


It's amazing how everyone feel the same about old games that you know that no one plays anymore, it's kinda of a feeling of loneliness and feeling like you're somewhere you shouldn't be, but at the same time it's kinda of magical, I don't know, but about the game, it was great, I couldn't bring myself to be an asshole and "destroy" the game by beating it, let the guy try to do what he wants to do.

Made a little gameplay of it you can check it here:


I wish it had multiple endings ;o These kinds of games 'need' it


Creepy little game! Very much enjoyed it.


This game... Its about loneliness. Both choices give you nothing. There is no releif, just memories and an illusionary feeling of presence. Brilliant.


There HAS to be something....maybe a story...I mean the Eye asset is named "Ultra Secret" when you check it in unity...then there is that piece of paper...then there's the PNG with the date...then there is the creation date of the PNG which is old as hell...there HAS to be some kind of cryptic story behind it for those who are willing to search deeper xD oitherwise, this is a huge waste of time

Love the short game! At first I was like - does it really have multiplayer?? I did some reading and found out it's just a single player.... and after that, somebody joined the server. Creepy!

Really, nice experience!

so after i touched the 3rd blue flag and everything turned white, my game get messed up. i reinstalled and even rebooted my PC but the game ends up not having any servers to click on? is this a puzzle or is the game actually glitched? did i fuck up the game by not listening to the chat log telling me not to do it?

It's intended, don't worry!

Okay so it's a puzzle to solve then?

You can get back the list of those servers if you insert the Konami code with your keyboard. The Konami code is:

[Arrow keys] Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.

Enjoy ;)

Nothing fills my night terrors more than the empty void of old consoles, which this game captures flawlessly. The design is perfectly executed as Adam always seems to manage in his games, credit to him where credit is due. It gave me goosebumps the entire way through and despite that, I'm going to put myself through that again to find the added secret.

This game was absolutely amazing! I've never played a game quite like this one! It really took me for a spin start to finish...Not even sure if I even finished this LOL

Is there more than one ending? i see other comments talking about a wife or something, but i never saw anything like that, i just capture the flag 3 times, occasionally seeing a ghost when i do so, and then before i captured the final flag, the chat went crazy telling me not to do it...


Great game overall. Very terrifying, but I felt like it could've done without without the whole "dead wife" thing. It felt kinda forced.


Great game, I love the idea of having it in a old ps1 style fps, have you considered creating a separate multiplayer version? I think that would be neat.


Yes actually! I would love to make a simple online fps with these aesthetics. But networking is hard man haha


I understand m8


i like the whole game and the idea of it, it really sent chills down my back and i love it.



your game is broken. if you bring all 3 flag to the goal, the game will end and if i open it back up the servers are gone, even if i redownload the game the servers are gone

Mate... I'm pretty sure that's the point. It did say, if you bring the last flag, all the servers will shut down.

The story only makes sense if you read the story.


Really creepy game. I like the idea of some kind of old possessed video game. 


I just played this game. It did have an interesting conceit (an abandoned online FPS haunted by a ghost), but the worn-out horror tropes (the RPS review spelled it out better than I could) kind of soured it for me.

Personally, I would have taken out the “VHS tape” aspect altogether and just presented it as an abandoned 1990’s multiplayer shooter, in which only the AI servers were working, and in each one, you had to kill an AI opponent with a female skin. Each time you did, you’d be locked out of a server by someone (who would later make himself known as the game developer), and then you’d go to the other servers on the list one by one, each buggier than the last, and your opponent would be harder to kill.

Bit by bit, the story would be revealed: the developer’s wife had died, and the developer put an avatar based on her (which would also be implied to be possessed by her ghost) in the game to honor her memory. He’d be displeased on how you kept on killing her in-game, and hoped that, as soon as you saw her get tougher in each new server, you’d get the message and leave her alone.

Eventually, however, you’d reach the next-to-last (and most buggy) server, in which the “wife” avatar AI was almost impossible. Beat her, however, and you’d go on the the last server, in which you didn’t have to kill her at all, just make a decision: spare the avatar (thus preserving the developer’s memory of his wife) or kill the avatar (and, it’s implied, free the wife’s soul)?

I think that would have made for a more interesting conceit than “spooky VHS of an anachronistic FPS”.

(1 edit)

This is a great concept, thanks for writing out your thoughts! I personally don't like to delve too much into the development behind my games, as I believe it's often better left untold. We had actually thought to add a lot of the elements you discussed. But we didn't have a lot of time for this game and if you want to get a game done you need to be able to settle on a smaller scope. This game would likely never have seen the light of day if it was as large as you propose. However, we decided a story is better than no story and took a risk by putting it in despite the time constraints. At least it provided some closure to the experience. Even if some people don't like the way it's delivered.

If I ever decide on creating a larger game based on this jam project, I will definitely take into account your ideas! Thank you.


You're welcome, thanks for replying!

(2 edits)

Or alternatively, I could have it so that you wouldn't have to fight the avatar at all, just encounter her in increasing glitchy/freaky ways while playing CTF.

As you got locked out of each server, the next one would be glitchier, and the one after that glitchier, and so on. You can't kill the AI, because the dev didn't program that in on purpose, because he couldn't bear the thought of losing her again. He hopes that the gradual glitchyness of each new server would turn you off the idea of playing CTF on the servers.

If, however, you persevered and went into the last server (one with killing implemented), you'd be given a choice: kill the "AI" (and, it's implied, have the ghost of the wife rest in peace), or play the last game of CTF and leave the developer and his wife-avatar in peace.


omg, that was really scary! not being able to move properly and not able to shoot making me totally vulnerable for what is incoming on me is a nightmare I have had several times in my childhood. You made this really good!


Hi there, have to say I really loved this game. The lonely atmosphere, the music from the record player, the creepy vibes and little jump scares. At the end I captured the flag and killed the server, because although I felt bad for the dev guy losing his wife and trying to get her back, he said himself she would be set free if the game ended. I'm posting my video playthrough here, and you can see how I hesitated at the end. lol. I might reset it and see what else happens.

I did have a few issues at the start though. First 3 or 4 times I tried to start it crashed. No idea way. Still, 10/10

Thanks for checking it out and recording some footage! No idea about the crashes but it seems to happen to other people as well so I'll check it out.


I wanted to keep this a bit secret, but people kept asking so. If you're looking to reset the progress of the game (clear your save data), just enter the konami code in the server browser screen. It should play a sound when entered correctly.

If you don't know what a "konami code" is, just Google it! It's great piece of video game history.

Thanks for playing!


Thank you for revealing this! now I can continue to play around without other spoilers


I really want to show this game to some friends, but (as others have pointed out) I can't replay it. Can you pretty please let me know how to do that?

Hi, you can reset your progress by entering the konami code in the server browser screen. It should play a sound when entered correctly and the server will pop back up.

I tried che code but...


when the guy ask me to shot 2 times I can't do that cause my gun is empty...even if I didn't fire a single bullet after the "code-reset".

Is this intended? I used all my bullets in the PREVIOUS run, not in this one...

hit r to reload


Thx but I still think is a bug.
You shouldn't need to reload when you didn't fire a single bullet.

(3 edits) (+1)

That was fun. Interesting concept. I love the old school VHS style.
Great work! Happy to see more of this.


This one was strange. I enjoyed it but i am not sure if I finished it right.

It grabs your interest extremely well with the intro and that is a 10/10 . I Recommend giving this one a go for your self as I am kinda stuck. 

heres a video of my playthough:

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